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How to Actually Do Your Workout (at home, the gym, out and about, on busy weeks)

Writer's picture: Arina HunterArina Hunter

Have you wanted to workout at home, but just can’t get yourself started or to keep doing it?

Made a plan to workout, but didn’t actually do it?

Bought or was gifted a bunch of home workout equipment but they stay in the drawer, the back of the closet?

Said I want to workout x days a week, yet getting it to happen is harder to do than to say?

Today I am going to give you the tools and skills you need to actually do your workout. At home, in the gym, or out and about.

Treat this list as ideas and inspiration. As you read through, note the ones that stand out to you. Pick one or two and test them out for yourself.

Not every task will work for you -and that’s okay we are all different.

Sometimes we gotta give them a test to see what gels for us and what does not.

Your health is yours. Your workout is yours.

Let’s find the tools that work for you to make your health a liveable, everyday priority!

How to actually do your workout:

(These also work for any task, habit, action, goal that you want to make happen)

-Go in with a plan.

Having a clear plan set has been a game changer for my clients. They know when they will workout within their schedule and have a backup plan option for if life happens. Treat your fitness, the tasks you need to do for yourself as a top priority. Set that workout into your schedule.

-Put it into your schedule.

Book your workout into your schedule. If you use a planner, an online calendar, the one on your phone. Book your workout in. Treat it like you would any other appointment. You show up! You hold that time within your schedule. Block that time and energy off.

-Start with something shorter

If it is feeling overwhelming to fit another thing into your schedule, it just doesn’t feel like you have enough time. Start with a shorter workout. 15-20 minutes can be a powerful, big change making workout!

-Just do it.

Yep. Sometimes you just actually have to do the thing. Tell yourself that you will do it. Even when you do not want to. I will do my workout. I will follow through. If we keep saying I’ll workout on Wednesday, but each Wednesday evening we choose not to. We are breaking trust with ourselves and teaching ourselves that we won’t actually follow through. Tell yourself you will, and do. Even on the days you don’t want to. You’ll most likely feel better after you do!

-Tell yourself I got this.

Tell yourself I can. I will. I got this. I will do my workout. I can fit my workout into my week. I have time to make myself a priority. I can do it. The words that we use when talking to ourself play a big role in how those actions turn out. If you go in believing you will not actually make it happen, you won’t. If you go in saying I can make this happen no matter what comes up, I will adapt and make it happen; you will. You can do hard, challenging things.

-Have a coach/trainer make a plan for you.

You might just need a plan to follow along. It can feel overwhelming having to choose what to do next, to know if you are doing exercises that support your goals and body. Having a coach make a plan for you can make it just that bit easier to actually get going. They can also add an extra boost of accountability and motivation to stay with the plan!

-Follow along with a video workout.

Follow along videos are a great way to just throw on the video and tell yourself I will workout with this video and once it is done, I did it. You can find them in a wide variety of lengths from 5-10 minutes to an hour plus.

-Pump up the music!

Throw on music that you personally enjoy. That gets you moving. That motivates you to keep working. That gets you into the zone. The music we choose can play a big role in getting us into the right mindset and pushing us to get working through the challenge. Not into music? Maybe it is a podcast or show instead that you can listen to in the background as you move.

-Make a game of moving your body.

Treat your workout as a reward, a treat in your week. Make a game out of moving, maybe you get a reward after. Make an obstacle course. Play like you did as a child. Try something you have always wanted to try. Have a dance party. Sing as you workout. If you enjoy challenges, create a challenge for yourself -do 15 squats a day, do a 30 second plank, do 20 seconds of bicycle crunches.

-Grab a friend or family member who will help you to do it. Key thing here is someone who will do it with you, support you in following through, keep you going, and not stop you from doing it.

-Find an accountability partner, coach, or community.

There is huge power in our support system. Find the people around you who will bring support into your goals, values, and priorities. Who will help you to keep going. Will root for you on this journey. An accountability partner can be someone that you text when you workout, share in the actions you are taking. Root each other on. It can also be in the form of a coach or broader group community. A coach will be there each step of the way for support, guidance, to celebrate with you, and to work together through the challenges. A community can be a fantastic place to share in the ups, downs, questions, and discoveries through the process of building your health.

-Write your goals down.

Our goals become more real and more likely to happen when we write them down, get clear on what they are and what they mean, and when we truly know what we want.

-Get to know and get really clear on your reasons behind working out.

Why is it important, valuable to you to workout? Are you working out for current you? Future you? A certain occasion? Knowing the reasons, values, priorities, hopes behind your goals, behind your health will play a large ongoing role in how you show up for yourself. Working out for future you, longevity, to enjoy the things you love to do, to enjoy life more, to feel good in your body and life will drive you to continue to show up.

-Create trust with yourself.

If you tell yourself you are going to workout; and you always don’t, you are going to believe that you will not actually follow through with it. The more that we do not do the things that we tell ourselves that we will, the more we will not. The more you hold yourself to things things you want to do, the more you will and the more doable it will get to.


Just start. Start working out. Start going for a walk. Put on your workout clothes. Set up you workout space. Sign up for a class. Connect with a personal trainer. Start. If you want to do something, want to make a change, want your goals to become live-able reality; you have to start.

Now, how do I start?

Oh if it was always just that easy, right?! 

The biggest piece I have found is needed for myself and clients to actually start is to turn what we want to do into a totally doable, clear, specific action.

Get clear. Replace; I will workout this week. With: I will workout for 30 minutes twice this week on Monday and Thursday. If I miss a day I will do it on Saturday.

Now that you are clear on the when. Get clear on the how.

What do you need to do to make that workout happen? -throw on workout clothes, set up your workout space, get to the gym, sign up for class or personal training, have a coach design a workout for you, throw on the music.

Start with the first step and do it!

Grab one or two of these ideas from this list and test them out for yourself this coming week.

Likely one of them stood out as yea maybe that. And some might have felt like nope not for me. And that’s okay! Not every tool will work for everyone. We gotta find the ones that work best for us personally.

Really commit to giving that one tool a test out.

And let’s do it!

Use me as your accountability support and boost,

Hit reply and let me know what you will be working on this week.

And I will check in and support you along the way!

Your Coach,


I help you feel confident, comfortable, and strong in your body and health. To enjoy life!


You might have noticed a theme here. Your mindset is going to play a huge role in your workout, fitness, and overall health. How fitting and cool that all the pieces of our health can support and build off of each other. When we work on our physical health, we also build resilience, strength, and focus in our whole health and self. My coaching program will be opening up again soon stay tuned for exciting details coming your way!

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