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Available in San Francisco

Personal Training

I help you feel confident, comfortable, and strong in your body and health. To enjoy life!

Feel Good in Your Body

One of the biggest things that my clients come to me for is to feel good in the body, their health, their life. Whether that is building muscle and strength, body recomposition, weight loss, improving bone density, reducing pain, or general health. From beginners who have never worked out or strength trained before. To those looking to build off of their current routines and take things to the next level. To those who are just overwhelmed with where and how to get started. We will work towards sustainable, long term health and wellness. My approach is body neutral; supporting how you feel best in your unique body and health. We will build a consistent and adaptable routine that will support your goals and grow with your future self.

Rehab, Rehabilitation, Recovery, Pain Management

Recovering from injury, surgery, cancer, birth and postpartum, management of chronic pain and autoimmune struggles? There is movement and exercise that will not only aid you in recovery, it will also support pain free movement in your workout and in everyday life. We’ll take the next steps after Physical Therapy and turn your recovery into a workout routine. We’ll work together to build strength, body positioning, and awareness to keep you moving in your workouts and through functional everyday life.

Prenatal and Postpartum

Mamas to be, new moms, and long time moms need workouts and health that is built for them. Whether you want to one day get pregnant, are going through fertility treatments (egg retrieval, IVF, IUI), are currently pregnant, newly postpartum, or years out. I help women feel empowered through their motherhood journey. I am here to ease the stress and overwhelm of how to move your body and exercise. I work as part of your health care team to support you through each stage. Building strength, endurance, and resilience for pregnancy, labor, and as smooth of a birth recovery as possible. Struggled with leaking when you cough, jump, sneeze? Wondering how and if you can workout? Worried about your pelvic floor or diastasis recti? I am here to be your guide, support, and coach.

Holistic Whole Health

Exercise and fitness are a vessel that supports our whole health. Our work will support your mental, emotional, physical, and whole health. We will work with stress, anxiety, self talk, fatigue, how hectic your week was. Moving our bodies is powerful! Big change can come from listening in to what your body needs, pushing yourself through a challenge, and feeling strong and powerful in your body. Mindful movement.


Hi! I’m Arina.

Your coach, personal trainer, and support within your health care team to make your goals reality. I will be here to ease the overwhelm of information, to build your focused path, and to guide you through the ups, down, and in betweens of health and wellbeing.

 I have a strong passion for movement, wellness, dance, and helping others live their best lives. As a movement artist, I bring a strong understanding of posture, alignment, coordination, and corrective exercise to my training sessions. I believe in the potential for fitness and movement to help reduce pain and stress, prevent injury, and increase overall health, happiness, and sustainability. I utilize a holistic whole-body approach tailored to my clients’ unique goals and needs. Fitness and movement help with long-term health, increase mood and motivation, and improve whole-being awareness and integration. I can focus personalized training on general health goals, pain reduction, and understanding, pre/postnatal fitness, functional training, body confidence, and injury prevention and recovery. 

My personal training career began with a desire to help clients and students on a deeper level. In addition to training, I have taught fitness, Pilates, and dance. I love movement. I taught dance for many years than began teaching fitness and Pilates. In teaching group classes, I discovered that I wanted to help on a deep personal level to make long lasting change. This also allowed me to help more in the areas that I saw underserved (pregnancy and postpartum, getting going again after surgery and injury, aging and life changes). 

You can find me going on long walks with my dog, dancing, hiking, and exploring nature. I enjoy baking, video editing, photography, and snuggling with my sweet puppy Noodle.

Client Testimonials


I began my fitness journey with Arina in July 2022 after a major surgery and from the very start, she provided me with immense support and direction during my recovery. She even consulted with my medical team to make sure I was doing the proper rehabilitation, while also helping me build back my strength. I always felt secure in my training with her. Training twice weekly with Arina has been an absolute joy, as she not only knows the ins and outs of fitness but also got to know me personally and my fitness aspirations to tailor my program. I am proud to say that I have seen a tremendous improvement in my physical fitness and confidence since I started working with Arina.


Absolutely phenomenal personal trainer. All of the workout routines were customized to fit my fitness goals. I saw the progress I wanted in a good amount of time. But more than anything Arina helped motivate me on my fitness journey. The workouts were challenging and never boring. I also felt like I learned a lot about total wellness to help support my fitness goals. I’d highly recommend Arina to anyone considering a personal trainer.


Arina is a great personal trainer! She really takes the time to understand your needs and what your body is capable of. I’ve been to various studios and tried a number of personal trainers and Arina is the only trainer I’ve worked with who really put the personal in personal training. I never once experienced an injury after her lessons and grateful for the dedication she took to really understand what works best for me.

Certifications, Education:

Certified Personal Trainer.

Corrective Exercise Specialist.

National Academy of Sports Medicine

Certified Pre and Post Natal Coach

The Academy for Training and Coaching Women Girls Gone Strong

Master Coach. Precision Nutrition Level 2. Precision Nutrition Level 1

Precision Nutrition 

In Progress National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching Board Certified Health Coach 

Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist 

Core Exercise Solutions

In Progress: Pelvis Pro Course: Core Exercise Solutions


Online Trainer Certification

Online Trainer Academy

University of Montana: BFA Dance

TRX: Suspension Training, Functional Training, RIP Training, Group Training

CPR First Aid and AED

My clients want to:

-Feel strong

-Manage pain

-Have long term health and longevity

-Be able to do daily tasks with more ease

-Stay strong, active, and able as they age

-Build a consistent routine

-Continue to build next steps from physical therapy

-Recover from injury, surgery, management of chronic pain and autoimmune struggles

-Avoid injury and future surgeries

-Prep for pregnancy, labor, and as smooth of a birth and recovery as possible

-Get ready for an event/moment including weddings, big vacations, special events

-Feel better physically, mentally, emotionally

-To life daily life, go up stairs, walk up the hill, keep up with friends or the kids, do the fun thing they want to or the thing they need to

-Be able to say yes or no to an activity because they want to, not because of their body or ability

-Feel strong and in their body again postpartum

-Maintain muscle strength and mass, bone density, mobility, balance and stability through aging

-Make health a more consistent part of their day to day

You Receive: 

Specifically designed workouts. Based on your goals, we will establish our workout schedule and intensity. This can include personal training sessions with me, on your own designed workouts, and an overall routine that we build together. I design and progress each workout based on your goals, body, interests, and needs. We start out with an in-depth conversation to build your goals and vision and go through a workout together to establish your base. Each of my training sessions is tailored to the unique individual that I am working with. My goal is to help you live your  healthiest, most sustainable life.

My Clients They have:

-Lifted more weight than they thought they could

-Smiled when they lifted a new heavy weight and it was totally doable. Hard but doable

-Comfortably fit into clothes that they love

-Felt good in their clothes. In dresses, swimsuits, jackets.

-Gone up the stairs and hills with more ease

-Gone from never working out, to saying they will only ever workout with a trainer, to working out consistently on their own

-Learned to listen to their body. To know a good challenging push vs a painful, safety, need to stop. To know when they need some rest, self kindness, and recovery. To know why they are eating.

-Learned how to push themselves

-Built resilience

-Managed and reduced their pain

-Built a consistent, sustainable, adaptable routine

-Learned the foods they feel good eating

-Built skills to eat at home, while traveling, dining out, having a crazy hectic week, and just living life

-Learnt that eating less is not always the answer

-Developed a more supportive mindset

-Built sustainable change that they kept going past one month, a couple months, a year, and ongoing!

Training Modalities:

Your session might include: Strength training; progressively building your strength, tone, lean muscle mass, and support for your daily functions. This can be bodyweight, free weights, suspension training, resistance training, pilates, stability training, and more. We will develop effective posture and alignment to set your body for the greatest success. Mobility and flexibility designed to alleviate your tension areas, restrictions, and muscle compensations. To help improve total body connection, balance, and injury prevention. Everyone’s body and experience is unique and special. Your programming is designed specifically for you with the goal of helping you feel confident, strong, and comfortable in your body.

Ready to get more info and chat Personal Training?!

Set up a free chat with me! We will talk through your goals, what you are looking for, and see if we are a good fit for each-other.

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