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Writer's pictureArina Hunter

Hey you, a little boost for your Summer

Hey you, you got this.

For whatever goal, hope, new chapter, change, or habit that you are working on or wanting to start.

You can.

Know that,

Often the hardest step is getting started.

Showing up.

Choosing to actually take the first step towards.

Continuing to start each step of the way.

You start by,


Yep. We all have to start to get going. And that typically means taking a first step. And then many next steps.

You start by telling yourself I can do this.

By building a clear vision of what you want and why it is valuable to you.

By finding the skills, actions, habits -the steps that will get you there.


Continuing to show up.

Even when things get difficult.

Even when you just want to see those big quick fix results (and  bodies and habits and new things just don’t do that for us.)

Even when you have an off day or week. Or stick with it for a month and start to lose that initial motivation steam.

When this happens,

Willpower keeps us going.

Willpower is what keeps you showing up when you do not want to. When you don’t have that boost of motivation.

It is the skill you build of telling yourself that you can do it, that you will do it, that you can show up for you, and that this is achievable.

With a little motivation and a whole lot of willpower,

You got this.


Keep going.

Little step by step.

Mini celebration and win along the journey.

Keep yourself trying.

Start again when needed.

You can do this.

You can start.

You can keep going.

You are not too late, too fill in your blank.

The right time is right now.

Hey you, you got this.

A little inspiration and motivation boost from my client Jane:

“I can see and feel my progress and things happening! My work shirts fit better. They feel more comfortable. I can feel a shift in how my clothes fit.” 

-Jane who recently started building into a new health, nutrition, and fitness routine. 

“They feel like mini wins. I want to jump to the bigger results quicker. And have stopped at this point in the past because I didn’t see the big shifts I wanted.”

Have you felt this?! 

Oh haven’t we all. We want that magic wand to zap us to how we want to look, to feel, to take away the pain, to the dream goal we have.

And when we start into something, we hope to see huge things happen quickly or we think that nothing is working and we feel like giving up.

I love talking with clients about mini wins within our bigger goals. About celebrating all the small, little, things we might not have listed as a win steps. 

We are building up a snowball to get it rolling down the slope.

What is a mini win you had this week or month?

Hit reply and share it with me -let’s pause, acknowledge, and celebrate it.

Mini win ideas to get you started:

-Showing up for the plan you set for yourself -going out for a walk -drinking water -spending quality time with loved ones -watering the plants -washing the dishes -lifting a new or heavier weight -making time to stretch -starting your day with your top priorities -taking time to breathe -journaling on why your goals are valuable to you -creating a vision board or plan -showing up to your workout, training session, appointment -choosing to connect with a coach -kitchen dance break -making dinner -choosing healthy, feel good snacks -eating more veggies -taking time to rest and recover

-as you can see that list could become any win that you made happen. No matter how small or tiny it feels. You did it. Let’s give it a little shout out.


How do we get you to keep going when things feel they are moving slowly, when you hit the place you might have stopped in the past, when slow patient progress is frustrating and you just want it to happen…

We build a plan together that breaks your goals down into smaller steps that you can track, accomplish and check off of the list.

We turn your goal from a big idea into something that feels doable, into actions and tasks that you actually do, into a part of your day to day.

We work together to push through the moments where things are frustrating (because at times they will be), a wrench jumps into the plans, life just happens. 

The first step is to start to put together your action plan -your snowball.

I have a coaching program that helps women who struggle with their relationship with their body, food and health build a sustainable routine to prioritize their wellbeing. So they can feel strong, capable, pain free, and at home in their body.

It works because this unique combination of mindful eating, movement, mindset, and sustainable lifestyle change is designed from working with incredible women like yourself who are ready to make lifestyle change over temporary change. No more sticking with it for a month or two and falling off track.

It is different from everything you have tried because it is designed, built, and adapted to you and your real life. It breaks from all the fad diets, short term trends, and self judgment. It makes the big changes that you have dreamed of one day feeling into daily reality. Making health feel simple, not more complicated. Like an easier piece within your schedule and not another chore. Taking out the overwhelm, uncertainty, and stress. It takes into account your life, values, needs, and experience.

I only have two spots available this June, hit reply and send me ‘tell me more’ to see if it is the right fit for you.

Your Coach,


I help women who struggle with their relationship with their body, food and health build a sustainable routine to prioritize their wellbeing. So they can feel strong, capable, pain free, and at home in their body.

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Hey you, a little boost for your Summer

Hey you, you got this. For whatever goal, hope, new chapter, change, or habit that you are working on or wanting to start. You can. Know...


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